Long-term accommodation for 20 employees of a construction company in Malaga

May 31, 2024
3 minute read

When a construction company faced the challenge of housing 20 of its employees during a long-term project for a facility in Malaga, the search for accommodation posed several obstacles. At Apartool, specialized in corporate accommodation, we demonstrate the ability to address these challenges effectively, offering personalized solutions adapted to the specific needs of the company. Through a combination of flexibility, attention to detail and industry experience, we managed to provide corporate accommodation that not only met the basic requirements, but also contributed to the overall success of the project.

5 months
20 workers

The challenge: accommodation for groups with specific needs

A construction company was faced with the task of housing 20 workers during a five-month project for a facility in Malaga. In addition to the need to house the entire team in one location, the company had specific requirements, such as the availability of meeting spaces for collaborative work sessions and proximity to the project facilities. Additionally, some team members required accessible accommodation, which added an additional layer of complexity.

The solution: equipped apartments in nearby buildings

Faced with this challenge, the corporate travel agency company hired by the company contacted Apartool and we offered them a comprehensive solution. We provided the agency with a selection of seven buildings with more than twenty apartments as possible destinations. Each building was carefully assessed and selected to meet the company's specific requirements, taking into account details such as proximity to the workplace and the availability of suitable meeting facilities.

To meet the need for accessible accommodation, we were not only able to ensure that a portion of the apartments in each building were adapted and well located in relation to the project facilities, but we also ensured that these apartments were on accessible floors. Through elevators and with adequate facilities. Additionally, we coordinated with building owners to ensure that each apartment was equipped with essential amenities, such as weekly cleaning, high-speed internet connection, and fully equipped kitchens, to ensure a comfortable and productive stay for employees during their stay.

Thanks to Apartool, the travel agency had all the proposals on a single platform, from which it could manage the approvals of the different stakeholders by the client company, who could share with the displaced employees the characteristics of the apartments and the services offered.

Result: Efficiency in management and well-being of displaced employees

Thanks to a detailed and personalized strategy, the company managed to overcome the challenges related to hosting its team. The variety of options offered allowed the company to choose the perfect combination that best suited their specific needs, resulting in a more flexible hosting experience. All this, quickly and safely: in less than 48 hours the agency had the first accommodation proposals, and in 4 days the final combinations of equipped apartments were proposed taking into account the guests' specifications and the need for joint services.

The availability of adapted apartments ensured that all employees could fully participate in the project, promoting inclusion and equal opportunities in the workplace. Furthermore, the team's problem-solving capacity significantly reduced the administrative and logistical burden for both the corporate travel agency and the company, allowing them to focus on their business objectives. Ultimately, we contributed to the overall success of the project by ensuring the team was well housed and ready to fulfill their responsibilities efficiently.

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